Thursday, April 18, 2024

3:00 PM

City Council Special Meeting
Paradice Conference Room
5:30 PM

City Council Clarification Meeting
Council Chambers
6:00 PM

Regular City Council Meeting
Council Chambers
Agenda Item #1
Agenda Item #2
The invocation will be offered by Reverend Haydie Lecorbeiller representing Trinity Episcopal Church.
Agenda Item #3
The following business items may be approved by one motion and a vote. If any one member of the Council so desires, any matter listed can be moved to a separate agenda item. (ACTION ITEM)

(a) MATERIAL CLAIMS: Council may wish to approve the Material Claims for the period of April 1-15, 2024.

(b) CHILD CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT: Council may wish to confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Mikala Peterson to serve as a member of the Child Care Advisory Committee, replacing Edith Wiggers whose term expired. Mikala’s term will begin April 19, 2024 and expire April 19, 2028.

(c) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPOINTMENT: Council may wish to confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Jonathan Farnsworth to serve as a member of the Civil Service Commission, filling a vacancy. Jonathan’s term will begin April 19, 2024 and expire December 7, 2024.

(d) HUMAN RELATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Council may wish to confirm the Mayor’s appointments of Brook Hoffer Colling and Jessica Lauren Lambert to serve as members of the Human Relations Advisory Committee, replacing Michael Strickland who resigned and Jamie Anthony whose term expired. Both terms will begin April 19, 2024 and expire April 19, 2028.
Agenda Item #4
Agenda Item #5
Council may wish to take this opportunity to inform other Council members of upcoming meetings and events that should be called to their attention.
Agenda Item #6
#6 Council may wish to approve a final plat application submitted by Satterfield Realty and Development, LLC (mailing address: 3308 Autumn Lane, Pocatello, ID 83201) to subdivide 2.93 acres (more or less) into nine (9) residential lots. The proposed subdivision is generally located east of Greenfield Meadows Division 5 and north of Crestview Division 4. Staff finds the proposal compliant with all applicable standards of Pocatello Municipal Code assuming compliance with the conditions listed in the Executive Summary. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #7
#7 Council may wish to approve submission of a grant application to the US Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change grant for the South 5th Avenue Complete Street and Sewer Project. The total project cost is $16,466,000.00 and does not require a match. City Council may wish to approve the grant application and, if awarded, authorize acceptance of the grant and authorize the Mayor's signature on all pertinent documents, subject to Legal Department review. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #8
#8 The Department of Energy has allocated Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) funding to the City of Pocatello in the amount of $118,810.00. Council may wish to approve submission of the EECBG grant application, authorize acceptance of the grant and authorize the Mayor’s signature on all pertinent documents, subject to Legal Department review. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #9
#9 Council may wish to approve a concessionaire agreement with Jeri’s Jumbos Café, LLC (mailing address: 3122 Pole Line Road, Pocatello, Idaho 83201) for food services to be provided at Ross Park Aquatic Complex (RPAC), 2901 South 2nd Avenue, and authorize the Mayor’s signature on all applicable documents, subject to Legal Department review. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #10
#10 Council may wish to accept the recommendations of staff and approve the following items regarding the pickleball surfacing and netting project: (ACTION ITEM)

a) Award the bid for pickleball surfacing and netting to the lowest cost base price responsive bidder, The Track Doctor, Inc. in the amount of $31,380.50; and if approved

b) Authorize the use of Alternate #1, a higher quality option, for the project.

Total contract amount, with the use of Alternate #1, would be $74,750.50. This project has been funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Agenda Item #11
#11 Council may wish to approve piggybacking of the City of Pocatello 2023 competitively bid contract for asphalt and related materials via Mickelsen Construction, Inc. for the 2024 pavement maintenance season in the approximate amount of $800,750.00 - $1,614,250.00. Council may also wish to authorize the Mayor’s signature on all pertinent documents, subject to Legal Department review. Funding for the materials has been budgeted in the Street and Water Department Fiscal Year 2024 budgets. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #12
#12 Council may wish to accept the recommendations of staff and accept the low responsive bid and award a contract for the FY22 5th Avenue ADA Improvements Project to D-Co Concrete, LLC, in the amount of $59,950.93 and authorize the Mayor’s signature on all applicable documents, subject to Legal Department review. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #13
#13 Council may wish to accept the recommendations of staff and accept the low responsive bid and award a contract for the FY23 5th Avenue ADA improvements Project to D-Co Concrete, LLC, in the amount of $59,294.88 and authorize the Mayor’s signature on all applicable documents, subject to Legal Department review. (ACTION ITEM)
Agenda Item #14
This time as been set aside to hear items from the audience not listed on the agenda. Items which appeared somewhere else on the agenda will not be discussed at this time. The Council is not allowed to take any official action at this meeting on matters brought forward under this agenda item. Items will either be referred to the appropriate staff or scheduled on a subsequent agenda. You must sign in at the start of the meeting in order to be recognized. (Note: Total time allotted for this item is fifteen (15) minutes, with a maximum of three (3) minutes per speaker.)
Agenda Item #15
  1. Explanation of hearing procedures by Mayor or staff.
    • Ten (10) minute time limit on applicant presentation.
    • Three (3) minute time limit on public testimony.
    • Names and addresses are required from those presenting/testifying.
    • Questions/comments should be addressed to the Mayor and Council.
    • Council members must make their decision regarding the application on facts already in the record and information presented at the public hearing. Conflicts of interest, site visits and ex-parte contacts by Council members will be acknowledged.
    • Protocol requires that Council and audience be recognized by the Mayor prior to speaking.
  2. Mayor opens hearing.
  3. Presentation by applicant.
    Note:  Remember, applicant bears the responsibility for making his/her case. This is also the time for Council members to ask their questions of the applicant.
  4. Presentation by staff.
  5. Written correspondence submitted for the record.
  6. Testimony by those supporting the application.
  7. Testimony by those uncommitted on the application.
  8. Testimony by opponents to the application.
  9. Rebuttal by the applicant.
  10. Mayor closes the hearing and initiates motion/deliberations.
    Note:  The Mayor may choose to require a motion prior to the discussion in order to focus deliberations, or, the Mayor may choose to allow deliberations prior to the motion in order to facilitate wording of the motion.
  11. Develop a written and reasoned statement supporting the decision.